Active and Passive Voice

 Hey ! Are you Active?

What does it mean to be ACTIVE

What is an active account?.......
well an account in which there are regular transactions
So in a conversation there are at least two characters right ...

At any one time only one speaker (*character )needs to be active and the other one/ones have to listen ...Right/??????
We had studied  in my previous blog the co-relation between Tense and Voice PLEASE refer to my blog with the above topic.In this blog WE are ๐Ÿ˜ going to deal with it differently ....
This TIME our HERO is GOING to be 'VOICE' !!!!!!๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ“ข๐Ÿ“ข Don't start imagining that we are learning MUSIC๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„This is ENGLISH GRAMMAR BLOG......Wait...
Here change in voice refers to a shift in the Subject of a Sentence.Yes every Sentence in a Paragraph can have a different VOICE(Now please don't get an audiometer ready yet๐Ÿ‘ป                                                                                                                                            

           We have altogether a different method to identify and change the voice of a sentence.Before that please keep the  the following concepts READY:
*Verb[Transitive and Intransitive]
*Pronouns {subjective and objective forms}
*All forms of Tenses
Please refer to my Prev. Blog- Correlation between tense and Voice.
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Vandana Jha @www.

So Children hope you did a bit of required research ;

By now you know:
,*Subject refers to anything that is being spoken of in a particular Sentence de facto it defers from sentence to sentence.
,*Verb is a word that denotes an action or a state we go by the former -for Voice.
*Predicate is the rest of the sentence after removing the Subject with all it's attributes..
but in this context we need to focus on the 'object' which refers to the sufferer of our Verb which is necessarily a transitive Verb for it to have two Voices -Active and Passive .
The pronoun forms we need to focus for this particular topic are the one used as a subject and the other as an object.
You- you

Look at the following examples:

1)I sneeze when exposed to dust.
2)The baby sleeps.

Do the above sentences have an object??

Is your answer "NO"-you are right don't worry

Not every verb needs to have an object .

Now consider these:

I write .

The children make .

Find anything wrong??? Yes they seem incomplete ....A question immediately arises in your brain-
What do I write??
What do the children make??
I write a letter/poem/Story/book etc.
The children make a kite/⛵ a boat /a cap/noise , etc.

Let us shift our importance from what is written or made instead of who is doing it.

1)A letter is written by Me(the objective form of the subject I)
2)A kite is made by the children.(note that 'children' is a common noun and not a pronoun.)
The sentences in which the 'doer' of an action is used as a subject (main topic of talk)are said to be in Active Voice and the sentences in which the 'sufferer' of  the same action is given prominence and used as a subject are said to be in Passive Voice.
*Note that the verbs undergo the necessary changes in order to keep the same meaning ,i.e,though we mention the object of the transitive Verb in the beginning of the sentence ,it still remains the sufferer of the given action.
Vandana Jha
Contact :9325628396



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